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Masculine Man

Indeed all praise and thanks are due to Allah, we praise him, we seek his assistance, we seek his forgiveness, AND we seek his guidance.

A shaytān who goes by the name of Andrew Tate has taken the world by storm. His red-pilled thinking and degradation of women has garnered a lot of support amongst young men. This is due to extreme control the feminist narrative has had over society for the last few decades. This ideology stands as a 'vanguard' against liberalism and feminism. In reality it is another false ideology, thought of in the minds of men. This itself is enough to refute it, as it doesn't originate from Allāh, but it is also a pure reactionary movement. It is not an original movement based upon deep and enlightened thinking but rather a cheap reaction based upon shallow thinking.

'Men' like Andrew Tate, a filthy pimp and casino owner is no role model for Muslim men. His Bugattis and wealth were made through harām means whether it be through women, gambling or stock and shares, all these are impermissible. He is not only a criminal and a sinner in this world, but he is a disbeliever and from the denizens of Hell, unless he embraces Islām and does righteous deeds. It is not befitting of Muslims to take disbelievers as role models and allies.

Allāh has already revealed a complete comprehensive system to mankind. It deals with every problem or issue, past, present or future. The Islāmic social system lays out a clear system defining the roles of men and women in society and in private life. The concept of masculinity is also addressed in the Qur'ān, by the One who created man. Allāh says,

The Creator clarifies for us the meaning of a man in these verses. He is one who obeyed his Lord, and loves to purify himself. This purification is a holistic one, cleaning himself from the dirt of shirk and kufr, purifying himself through believing in Allāh and His Messenger (ﷺ), and following their commands in all affairs.

They are men, who remember Allāh much, and are not distracted by the beauty of the dunyā. What concerned them is fulfilling their purpose, having lofty goals, and reaching the sublime pinnacle of ihsān. Allāh also says,

Allāh explains to us a characteristic of men in this verse. It is important to note that not all believers have this trait. This is due to the words "Among the believers" which uses a partitive preposition, highlights that this characteristic is found in only a certain group. Allāh describes men, they are those who fulfill their vows and are true to their word, regardless of the trials and tribulations they face and are steadfast until they fulfill them.

The verse was revealed after the battle of al-Ahzāb, and another masculine characteristic can be extracted when pondering via this lens. Indeed men are those who enter into the contract with Allāh to raise His Word the highest. Some of them join the Caravan of Allāh, the others wait for the same fate. They are not afraid to sacrifice all that is sacred to them for the Good Pleasure of their Lord, rather they do so courageously and without fear.

Allāh also says,

Indeed, Muhammad (ﷺ) is our master and guide, and we follow his way in all affairs. He is the perfect man, who obeyed His Lord and carried out his duty. He exemplified manhood and masculinity, and His Lord was pleased with him as an example for mankind to follow.

He (ﷺ) believed in Allāh and implemented Islām comprehensively upon himself and his society, and from his legacy the establishment of a glorious state, a global superpower ruling the world with goodness and justice, humiliating and destroying the tyrants, spreading Islām to the world via da'awah and jihād; a state unmatched in strength until its demise in 1924. He made the Islāmic ‘aqīdah as the basis for his thought and the shar'a the basis of his actions, and the attainment of the Ridhwān of Allāh his objective.

When a man follows the example of the Prophet (ﷺ), he becomes of those fit for following and leading simultaneously, combining compassion and severity, abstinence and comfort, correctly understanding life: seizing this worldly life by allocating for it only its due, and gaining the hereafter by striving for it.

Accordingly, a man is one who is not dominated by any of the attributes of those who are enslaved to this worldly life; when he is a hero on the field, he is also the resident of the prayer chamber; when he is a leader, he is also humble. He combines within him leadership and jurisprudence, trade and politics. His most sublime attribute is that he is a slave of Allāh, his Creator and Originator. Therefore, you find him humble in his prayer, refraining from futile talk, paying his zakāh, lowering his gaze, protecting his trusts, honouring his pledge; keeping his promise, and waging jihād in the path of Allāh. This is the true man, a believer, an Islāmic personality, moulded by Islām making him the best of people.