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Rules of masculinity (Part 1)

Indeed all praise and thanks are due to Allah, we praise him, we seek his assistance, we seek his forgiveness, AND we seek his guidance.

Indeed masculinity and manhood has its characteristics and attributes. There are certain prerequisites one must possess before he can call himself a man. This article will elaborate on the ten. Note we at al-Murabitoon have formulated these ten, and our guideline is only the Qur'ān and Sunnah of Muhammad (ﷺ). Note we do not consider disbelievers as men due to them lacking rule number one.


The men of old only used to be considered men after they had embraced Islām and became an Islāmic personality, distinct from all others. These men took hold of the Islāmic idea and it grew and interacted with their hearts and actions, making them from the liberators and conquerors of the world.

The Companions were these men, the likes of never seen or felt before. In under 50 years they managed to conquer most of the known world, not for booty or in order to colonise, but to convey the Islāmic Call to mankind, a duty which passed onto them after the passing of their Beloved (ﷺ). The Islāmic idea they possessed changed their state from quarrelling and primitive nomadic bedouins into leaders of the world united by a single Rope, the Rope of Allāh. They would fight against the enemies of Allāh in the day and in the night, recite the Book of Allāh and send salawāt on the Messenger (ﷺ), in congregation and individually.

These Companions were described as men by Allāh Himself, and He linked their manhood to their prayer in the Masjid and their love to purify themselves.

Remembering Allāh much means to focus on making actions guided by the ahkām shar'ī, making the criterion in life the halāl and the harām, reciting the Book of Allāh day and night, and sending salawāt on the Prophet (ﷺ). Indeed sending salawāt upon the Messenger (ﷺ) is from the forgotten actions in our time.


Allāh says:

This is a command to us from Allāh to know that Allāh is One with no partners, and this knowledge can only come to us by studying and pondering about man, life and the universe. Allāh has requested for us to use our intellect and thinking to come to the conclusion that a Creator exists, in many ayāt.

Allāh rebukes and hates blind following or taqlīd in belief:


It is the trait of all noble men in all of history that they are the few, the ones who go against society, who speak the truth and do not fear the blame of the blamers. Indeed this was the example of the Messenger (ﷺ) who was a man of great intellectual strength and willpower, clashing against the systems of kufr and the hostiles of Quraysh for 13 years. He went against the society, and did not compromise or weaken. It was narrated by b. Ishāq in his al-Maghāzi that the Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) said:

Indeed the status of the man who spoke the truth against the tyrant ruler, is the same as the shahīd, and the same level as the Hamzah Asadullāh. al-Hākim narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said:

Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is not restricted to the court of the ruler, but to all times and places. And forbidding the evil is harder than enjoining the good, because it goes against the society and the norms, and there is fierce resistance from the corrupt people. What is required of the carrier of Islām is to reply to the fierce resistance with a fierce offensive, smashing the concepts of kufr and obliterating them.

Ahmad extracted on the authority of Abu Sa’īd al-Khudrī that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: