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The Spoils of WINTER

Indeed it is Allāh who deserves all praise and thanks, for His Creation of the seasons and the change in weather. This is a sign of His Existence for those who reflect and think.

Here we present some statements from the Companions and those that followed them from the best generations on the winter season.

It is reported from Abū Hurayrah that he said:

It is reported from ‘Ubayd b. ‘Umayr that he said:

As with other experiences in this world, the Salaf used to be reminded of the Hereafter when experiencing cold weather. It is reported from the famous worshipper Rābi’ah that she said:

The days are short and the nights long O men of Allāh, so rejoice! Recite the Book of Allāh with the intention of becoming from His People.

Anas b. Mālik reported:

The days are there for you to fast therein, and to reap the 'ghanīmah' Allah has placed in front of you. Abdullāh b. Umar narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:

The spoils of the Messenger (saw) required struggle, and loss of life, while the ‘spoils of winter’ that wait for us to catch them require no struggle, maybe some sleep lost and some hunger felt. The Arabs used to refer to matters which were relatively easy to gain as being cool. In this narration, the relative ease of fasting in winter and its consequent reward is likened to acquiring war proceeds without the heat of violence.

It is reported from ‘Umar that he said:

So take this 'booty' which lies in waiting for you! Take it with qiyām in the night and fasting in the day, and know that Allāh knows the sincerity of the heart and purity of the actions.