The Spoils of WINTER
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

The Spoils of WINTER

It is reported from ‘Umar that he said:

“Winter is ‘booty’ for the devout worshippers.”

So take this 'booty' which lies in waiting for you! Take it with qiyām in the night and fasting in the day, and know that Allāh knows the sincerity of the heart and purity of the actions.

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Rules of masculinity (Part 1)
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

Rules of masculinity (Part 1)

Indeed masculinity and manhood has its characteristics and attributes. There are certain prerequisites one must possess before he can call himself a man. This article will elaborate on the ten. Note we at al-Murabitoon have formulated these ten, and our guideline is only the Qur'ān and Sunnah of Muhammad (ﷺ). Note we do not consider disbelievers as men due to them lacking rule number one.

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Masculine Man
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

Masculine Man

A shaytān who goes by the name of Andrew Tate has taken the world by storm. His red-pilled thinking and degradation of women has garnered a lot of support amongst young men. This is due to extreme control the feminist narrative has had over society for the last few decades. This ideology stands as a 'vanguard' against liberalism and feminism. In reality it is another false ideology, thought of in the minds of men. This is itself is enough to refute it, as it doesn't originate from Allāh, but it is also a pure reactionary movement. It is not an original movement based upon deep and enlightened thinking but rather a cheap reaction based upon shallow thinking.

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The Intellectual Doctrine
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

The Intellectual Doctrine

Islām is the final religion, revealed to us by the Creator. The path to belief in Islam is not through blind faith or emotions, rather it is through the intellect.

Indeed in the world, there are only three possible paths to belief. The first is the so-called belief of old, also known as imitation or blind faith. This is the belief of the majority of the world today, as well as the majority of the belief of old. Ibrahīm (as), when he asked his people why they worshipped idols,

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Truth Versus Falsehood
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

Truth Versus Falsehood

It is upto us as Muslims, to plunge ourselves into this intellectual battlefield, to not only save ourselves from the havoc this falsehood has wreaked on us but we have to look further and save the world from it, and resume the Islamic way of life, where nobody is better than anybody except in taqwa.

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The Days of Eid
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

The Days of Eid

The first day of Shawwal, and the 10th, 11th and 12th of Dhul-Hijjah are the days of Eid for the Muslims. They are the days of celebration, festivities, gathering and love.

These two Eids have been legislated for us by the Creator, and He (swt) has allowed us to enjoy ourselves during these days. So it is common to find the Muslims meeting their families, eating together from their slaughtered meat, giving gifts to each other and rejoicing in the blessings their Lord has bestowed upon them.

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The Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

The Days of Dhul-Hijjah

In this blessed and holy month, one should increase in his righteous actions. He should stand in the day and in the night, beseeching his Lord for forgiveness and for His Gardens. He should fast as much as he can, and if he cannot fast the ten days, then he should fast on the Day of ‘Arafah, because the Prophet (saw) said,

“There is no day when God sets free more servants from Hell than the Day of 'Arafa. He draws near, then praises them to the angels, saying: What do they want?”

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water well update
Abdulhaq Anfishi Abdulhaq Anfishi

water well update

Updates on the Water well for Markaz Zaid Ibn Thabit in Soya Tanzania

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Islam & Culture appropriation
Almurabitoon Almurabitoon

Islam & Culture appropriation

We are Muslims and brothers of one another, wherever he may come from. We share our clothing, food and languages with brotherly love and compassion for each other. The non-Arab can wear the clothing of an Arab, and an Arab can wear the clothing of the non-Arab.

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The Departure of Ramadan
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

The Departure of Ramadan

Ramadan has left us, and we are saddened at its departure. Ibn Rajab so diligently writes that which we all feel:

“O month of Ramadan, be gentle! The tears of the lovers are streaming down at your departure and their hearts torn asunder at the pain of separation.”

— Lata’if al-Ma’arif

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Taking Care Of Your Moroccan Thobe
Almurabitoon Almurabitoon

Taking Care Of Your Moroccan Thobe

Clothing is a bounty that is exclusive to humans, no other creation enjoys such a bounty and we should always praise and be grateful to Allah for Providing us with means to cover our nakedness.

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Water Well in Tanzania
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

Water Well in Tanzania

As you know, Al-Murabitoon are collecting for the Masjid Markaz Zaid Ibn Thabit to feed a whole village (300-400 people including the poor and orphans) for Ramadan in Tanzania. This is a small village called Soya north of the capital Dodoma.

The water is taken from a far distant village by donkeys for the Masjid to use for Wudu purposes. However, due to the need of the people there to drink clean water, they have been using this water. The nearest water well is miles away from the village. It is of utmost importance that we build for them a well in their own village so they may enjoy the Bounty of Allah (swt) that we take for granted.

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The Battle of Badr
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

The Battle of Badr

Today is the 17th of Ramadan. Fourteen hundred and forty years ago, this day witnessed the single most decisive battle in our history took place: the Battle of Badr. When we speak of Badr so much can be highlighted: the Muslim victory despite being in a materially much weaker position, the bravery of the Companions, the noble Prophet’s (ﷺ) reliance on Allāh (سبحانه وتعالى) and beseeching Him, miracles in the battle, the angels who came to fight led by Jibreel (عليه السلام), and much more. Scholars have written books on this one battle alone. I just want to touch on one aspect though in this brief reflection, one that is less known though very important and relevant for us.

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The Qur’an
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

The Qur’an

The month of Ramadān is the month of the Qur'ān. What is the Qur'ān? The Qur'ān is the guidance for mankind. Allāh (swt) has not left man alone in this universe without a purpose, rather He (swt) has sent him guidance to follow. This guidance, because it emanates from the Creator, is perfect and comprehensive.

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Coming into the month of Ramadan
Almurabitoon Almurabitoon

Coming into the month of Ramadan

In the blessed month of Ramadan we should remember that the deeds are considered by the intentions, and a person will get the reward according to his intention (as it was narrated in al-Bukhari and Muslim). Hence why it Is of the utmost importance that we constantly renew our intentions throughout the month of Ramadan, ensuring that our fasts are entirely for the Sake of Allah because He Commanded us to do so.

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Our first fundraiser
Almurabitoon Almurabitoon

Our first fundraiser

Al-Murabitoon are collecting £1000 for the Masjid Markaz Zaid Ibn Thabit to feed a whole village (300-400 people including the poor and orphans) for Ramadan in Tanzania. This is a small village called Soya north of the capital Dodoma.

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Preparation for ramadan
Sayfullāh al Hindi Sayfullāh al Hindi

Preparation for ramadan

Ramadān is the month of the Qur'ān, the month of guidance and blessings. The Muslims gained many victories during Ramadān, due to their adherence to the Qur'ān. It is a month where the mosques are full, the voices are adorned with the recitation of the Qur'ān, and the wealth is given in the Path of Allāh (swt) in abundance.

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Introducing Al-Murabitoon
Abdulhaq Anfishi Abdulhaq Anfishi

Introducing Al-Murabitoon

This blog is intended for the youth and those who are older and want to help themselves get closer to their creator; the one who made you, gave you life and put you in this prestigious position to worship him alone without any partner.

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